The Ukraine Conflict What does the long standing Ukraine conflict have to do with Europe arming its own? Especially, when the world leaders are trying to get a…
Put on your best running shoes, dress as light and comfortable as you can, your pre-registration to join this Rome Marathon avails you of your own individual n…
First, it is established that medications, medicines or, drugs as represented by Pharmaceutical Industries are beneficial and critical to human health and, in…
Today seems to be another wonderful day, as most of the prior ones. Cappuccino is Italy's national morning beverage, preferrably, hot. Coffeebars are inev…
THE BEGINNING OF TESLA INCORPORATED Nowadays, when Tesla (Motors) is mentioned, the name Elon Musk would automatically be associated with it. But it hasn'…
Rome Baptist Church I don't know about others, but almost every Sunday morning I struggle to get up early, (even to spend time with The LORD) to worshi…
YOUR WORDS CARRY POWER Your words and thoughts carry power in your life, and it will be just a matter of time before you see the manifestations of what you hav…